90s Hits Songs by Elton John

90s Hits Songs by Elton John

If you love the song “ Hakuna Matata”, it means Elton John is your favourite singer. This singer also has a popular hit “Candle in the Wind” which he dedicated to Princess Diana in her loving memory.

Elton John Hits at Harmony Radio:

Want to enjoy the energetic and unique blend of rock and pop music, play 90s Hits by Elton John. This singer had a great impact on music since he started his music career in his teenage years. If you love to listen to the music of the 90s era, Harmony Radio is the perfect music platform to let you enjoy the best hits of the 90s from your favourite Elton John. Find your favourite song from our collection and play it whenever you want.

Candle in the Wind

Rocket Man

You Gotta Love Someone


Hakuna Matata

“Made in England”

“Tiny Dancer”

“Something About the Way You Look Tonight”